Thursday, August 23, 2012

Learn The Best Way to Up the Page Rank of Your Website

Search-Engine-Marketing by Danard Vincente

Automatic SEO Service

Websites are deemed successes or failures based on the amount of quality traffic coming in. Even though the Internet gives us various ways to get visitors, nothing comes close to the value search engines provide in this area - especially Google. When your site has been ranked by Google there will be a tidal wave of traffic flowing into your site.

The first step to make that happen involves convincing Google that your site has value. Is there a secret for making that happen? If you want to get Google's attention you must first improve the page rank of your site. Keep reading to learn what you can do to get those little boosts in page rank for your website.

Article marketing, which is writing articles and then publishing these articles to article directories is an effective way of increasing page rank. Some of the two most high PR article directories are Ezine Articles and Go Articles. These are both great places to publish your best articles. Remember if your articles are high value they will be approved. Make sure you're following the rules that are laid out by these directories before proceeding to submit your articles to them.

Staying within an article directories rules, is a great way to ensure you will be able to submit articles to the site for a long time to come. There is no doubt that the directory will prove to be valuable to your site in the long run. Linking between your pages is a great way to inflate your page rank. It's true: the search engines place a lot of value on linking in between the pages of a site. Look at the Wikipedia site: part of the reason it is so popular is that it has a great internal linking structure. This will just show Google and the other major search engines that your site has a lot of good content on it and that the pages relate to each other. What this does is help you raise your page rank: the exact thing you've been attempting to do.

Building backlinks to increase page rank should be done in a steady, coherent, and logical manner. Remember there is not rush. Going out and getting as many backlinks as you can get isn't a good idea. Another thing to consider is where your backlinks are coming from. Avoid participating in link exchanges or posting your link wherever you feel like. Google is always focused on the quality of your backlinks, rather than quantity. Remember sometimes getting backlinks from questionable sites, can actually reduce your page rank! As a rule, if you are providing your readers with quality original content and building your links in a consistent manner, your site will do good.

No matter what kind of website you have or how old your website is there is a constant need for fresh new content if you want long-term success. Conversions are the life's blood of your site or blog but without targeted traffic coming your way it's nearly impossible to get. You can also forget about making sales directly or capturing leads for you other marketing efforts. By working on your website's page rank and by putting in the effort to boost it, you will not only get your site ranked in the Google, but you'll automatically open up the doorway to get laser targeted traffic for a long time to come.

Article source: Chance Romriell ( fbf88c95 ) is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in seo services more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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