Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Gain Specific Traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites

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Social bookmarking websites have been associated with getting traffic for website owners in a short period of time. If you want to get huge results with social bookmarking, then read this article.

Content is King: Ever thought about why some websites really get the most exposure from social bookmarking sites when others do not? What magic are they using to obtain so many votes from other users? How you can consistently drive traffic to your site because you always reach the first page over and over again? The answer to this question is not very secretive, but a lot of people will not accept the truth. It has to do with your content. Ask yourself, why do people browse social bookmarking sites? It is because they want new original information that is useful to them. People expect to get a high response from their bookmark when the content they are submitting is pretty normal and nothing out of the box. The Internet is going through a phase of information overload. If you want to be noticed, then you have to give your targeted market some new information.

Submit at the Right Time:

Understanding when to post your links to a social bookmarking site is very important because this is what will indicate how quickly you will make it to the first page. Therefore, if you're posting your content when your target audience is sleeping, it'll be of no use. Submitting post during the peak hours will be more beneficial and gain more ROI. If you want to put links on Digg or Reddit, it would be a waste to do it before 10 am. Instead, consider bookmarking your content around two or three in the afternoon in order to get the greatest outcome. Usually, there is more traffic on the weekends than during the weekdays. But, then again, even the competition is high on weekends. So the only way to find out which is better for you is to continue experimenting.

Get it in the Right Category: You have no idea how many webmasters make the mistake of submitting their site or blog to the wrong category and end up getting a low response. For example, let's say you're submitting your link to Digg.com. This is a social bookmarking site that lets people vote for the most popular materials submitted. Now, Digg has categories to pick from when you submit posts. If you opt for a unrelated category or one that has too many topics in it, then the chances of your bookmark being ignored will become even greater. So, spend enough time on choosing the right categories for your bookmark submissions. This should not be overlooked. One of the easiest ways to get traffic is through social bookmarking sites. Join the ranks of many other successful webmasters and start social bookmarking your sites today. Quality does matter when it comes to using these types of sites. The higher the quality, the more likely you will get traffic. Give the users something meaty they are wanting. In return you will get click overs to your website. Once you start to understand the true power of social bookmarking, you'll see how effective it is in the long run when it comes to getting targeted visitors.
( fbf88c9522 ) Article source: Chiquita Mclaughlan is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in Automated SEO more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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