Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What All Bloggers Should Bloggers Should Understand About WordPress SEO

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Automatic Backlinks Creator

It is very simple to optimize your WordPress site if you follow the right steps. However, you will still see that a lot of people do not follow the basics steps for optimizing their WordPress sites. So what has to be done for you to leverage WordPress SEO?

Get Your Keyword in the Title: A webpage's title is critical to the search engines, because it is what appears in the results of a search conducted by a user. While it still should be done with finesse, you should make sure that the title of your webpage includes your main keyword. While it is a great idea to introduce your keyword into your title, make sure you don't get carried away. You need to inject a little more creativity into creating your title and ensuring that it makes sense and is relevant. Your visitors should get, right way, from reading the title exactly what your site deals. If a particular keyword creates a disjointed effect in the title, then you are better off not including it at all. Don't sacrifice quality of content simply to create a title that features the keyword. Link to Related Posts: When someone goes to you WordPress blog, they should have the capability to look at your similar articles without any problems. In order to make it simpler, you can put the WordPress Related Posts plug-in on your blog. This will give you the ability to link to 3 or 4 other similar articles without breaking a sweat. This will not only give your visitors the ability to locate other related content, but it will also help the search engines to go meander through your website. You will immediately get more page views on your blog because people will like moving through one article to get to similar posts just by browsing through they posts.

SEO for Pictures: When you are posting amazing quality content on your sites, you will clearly want to be able to show it off with pictures. A little look around, online, will reveal the fact that many of the best blogs have pictures that accompany and complement their dishes. All images need to be optimized for the search engines, which is why you should always stay focuses. You are a big step ahead of everyone else from an SEO standpoint, so you should take it a step further by optimizing your images correctly. Image titles and ALT tags should be used for the description and can include keywords. Search engines highly value images that are optimized; people will not only find your images through the 'image search' option, but they'll also find your site ranking for the keywords that you optimized for. Effective WordPress SEO is all about taking the right step at the right time. The suggestions that were discussed in this article will help you to obtain a higher ranking for your WordPress site and give you an advantage over your competitors if you make the right moves.
Source: Automatic Backlinks Generator

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