Monday, May 2, 2011

Raise Your Website's Page Rank Using Helpful Tips Like These

Search. by Jeffrey Beall

Automatic SEO System

If you're looking for a high page rank for your site then you're going to need to consistently practice positive SEO steps. It doesn't matter what niche you're targeting with your site, and what kind of target audience you want to attract through the search engines, if your site is not effectively optimized, then you won't see any boost in your page rank. There's only one reason there is any type of page ranking system at all and that's because search engines were looking for the best way to identify which sites best meet the needs of the searcher according to the terms and keywords that are being typed in. However, if you're not going to put in the basic effort to do SEO on your website, then how do you expect the others to link to you? Can you even rank well for specific keywords if Google can't even identify them? It's vital that you practice good on-page SEO practices in addition to the off-page strategies.

Now is the time to develop backlinks and they need to come from established sites that have high page rank in their own right. It's always best to do a little reconnaissance and get to know your target backlink site before you knock on the virtual door and ask them for backlinks as though you were begging for alms.

Start creating contacts in your industry; build relationships with other website owners and bloggers. Once these other website and blog owners recognize that you're there to bring value to the table they'll be more than willing to send a few links in your direction. The fact that many of your competitors in the business will skip this particular step means that you'll be miles ahead of most of them for getting those backlinks and the credibility that comes with it. This step is about so much more than creating healthy competition and friendly rivalries.

Consider all the high page rank directories. Many of these directories take submissions that allow webmasters to get their sites listed. By submitting your site to directories like these your page rank only has one way to go - up. Most directories are free of charge but there are some that charge a fee - these generally provide a much bigger boost and many webmasters find sites like Yahoo! Directory to be worth the price they pay. The ability to quickly and easily submit your site to a directory is a great way to improve page rank so always be on the lookout for these sites while surfing.

Building page rank takes time. and consistent effort. You won't see an increase overnight but given enough time, you will see the fruits of your labor begin to pay off. It's really easy to lose your way in the SEO industry, especially when you have a new update coming out every day. To summarize this article - To raise page rank and land on the first page of Google for your keyword, you should building backlinks slowly from other sites which already have high page rank. Provide your readers with high quality and original content.

Article source: Maragaret Hasley ( fbf88c95 ) is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in seo services more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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